Monday, June 04, 2012
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Create a Simple Mp3 Player – Photoshop Tutorial

_thumbCreate a Simple Mp3 Player – Photoshop Tutorial Ever want to walk through the steps to creating your very own sweet Mp3 player interface using Photoshop? This tutorial will get you going in no time with a super sleek Mp3 player modeled after the player used at CodeBase Hero » but inspired by the great

Ever want to walk through the steps to creating your very own sweet Mp3 player interface using Photoshop? This tutorial will get you going in no time with a super sleek Mp3 player modeled after the player used at CodeBase Hero » but inspired by the great folks ». Learn about and gain some experience with Clipping Masks, Shape Layers, Layer Styles, Alignment and more in this quick tutorial!

Step 1:

Create a new Photoshop document size 1280px by 720px. Feel free to drop in a dark gray or your very own custom background as I have. (These players almost always look best over a darker background!)

Step 2:

Create a new layer and name it “Album-Cover”. Grab your Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and look to the Tool Options bar and set the tool to draw a “fixed shape” from the drop down menu and set the width and height to 125px. Fill this selection with white and deselect by hitting Cmd/Ctrl + D.

Step 3:

Go ahead and add the Drop Shadow that I have added.

Step 4:

Browse around the web and find some sweet album artwork, or create your own and drag that file into Photoshop and drop it in your document. Scale it down until it is just a tiny bit larger than the white box we’ve already drawn. Hold down your Alt/Opt key and roll over the edge of this “Artwork” layer and the white box layer we made below this. When you see the cursor change, click; this will clip this top artwork to the layer beneath it.

Step 5:

Duplicate the “Album-Cover” layer by selecting that layer in the Layers panel and hitting Cmd/Ctrl + J. Drag this layer up to the top of your Layers panel. Rename this layer “Top-Shine” and clip it to the layer beneath it.

Step 6:

Reduce the Fill Opacity to zero and add the Inner Shadow that I have.

Step 7:

Grab your Pen Tool (P) and set the Pen to draw a new Shape layer as I have. Set your fill to white and draw the kind of shape I have. NOTE: The key is to get the front edge like I have with that smooth line. We’re going to mask away all the jagged edges outside of our album cover.

Step 8:

Clip this layer to the layer beneath it as we’ve been doing with these layers that have to do with our album cover. Reduce the Opacity to 20%.

Step 9:

Grab your Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and set it to draw Shape layers and also set the Corner Radius to “5px”, also set the fill to black by double clicking the “Color” box in the Tool Options bar and choosing black.

Step 10:

Name this new Shape layer “Progress-Bar-Holder” and reduce the Opacity to 40%.

Step 11:

Grab your Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) again and drag out a little track for the progress bar to “fill up” as the track progresses. Name this Shape layer “Progress-Track”.

Step 12:

Reduce the Fill Opacity to 40% and add the Drop Shadow and Inner Shadow that I have.

Step 13:

Duplicate that Shape layer by hitting Cmd/Ctrl + J. Go Layer>Layer Style>Clear Layer Style. Hit Cmd/Ctrl + T and scale the right side of the track progress bar inward a little bit.

Step 14:

Apply the Bevel and Emboss, Gradient Overlay, and Color Overlay that I have to add some spice to this track progress bar.

Step 15:

Grab your Rectangle Tool (U), make sure you don’t have your Shape layer selected by hitting you “Enter/Return” key, clear any Layer Styles that may be attached to the tool, and set the fill color to white.

Step 16:

Drag out two small shapes to make up your “Pause” button.

Step 17:

Add the Drop Shadow and Gradient Overlay that I have.

Step 18:

Grab the Custom Shape Tool (located beneath the Rectangle Tool) and choose a triangle shape. Draw out two small triangles as I have. TIP: Use your Free Transform (Cmd/Ctrl + T) to rotate and resize your shapes until they look just right.

Step 19:

Select both of these Shape layers in the Layers panel and hit Cmd/Ctrl + T and size the arrows down until they fit in place right beside the pause button.

Step 20:

With these two layers still selected, drag them down to the new layer icon to duplicate them. Hit Cmd/Ctrl + T and right click and choose “Flip Horizontal”. Drag these buttons over to the left of the pause button as I have.

Step 21:

Hold down your Alt/Opt key and drag the little “Fx” icon up from one of your pause button Shape layers and drop it on one of the new arrow layers. Repeat until all four arrow layers get the Layer Styles we added to the pause button.

Step 22:

Next grab your Polygon Tool (U) and set the tool to draw Shape layers, also click the little “down arrow” and tick on “Star” to set the tool to draw a star. Use the other settings I have used in the Tool Options bar and set the fill color to black.

Step 23:

Draw out a star and duplicate it until you have five stars.

Step 24:

We’re going to make this a 4 star song so you’ll want to apply some Layer Styles to the first star and copy it to the next three stars. Apply the Drop Shadow and Gradient Overlay that I have used.

Step 25:

Select the fifth and final star, reduce the Fill Opacity to 40%, and apply the Drop Shadow and Inner Shadow that I have.

Step 26:

Now drop in some text with the Drop Shadow that I’ve used. I set the artist’s name text line to a color of #979797. I am also using the font-face “Colaborate”. That’s it! If you’ve finished this one be sure to share your results with me on Twitter (@tutvid) » and Facebook »!

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