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ESP * Name ESP - Displays the names of each player * Distance ESP - Displays the distance between you and the player * Box ESP - Draws a box around the player and other objects like vehicles * Health ESP - Displays the health of each player * Class ESP - Displays the kit that the target is using * Bone ESP - Draws a skeleton on each player * Visibility Checks ESP - Changes color if the player is visible * Barrels ESP - Draws a line to the enemy from your position when they are visible * Show Friendly - Displays ESP on friendlies
Aimbot * Toggle - Enable the aimbot on and off * Bone Selector - Aim at Head, Neck, Chest or Stomach * Aim Style - Closest To Crosshair & Get Target by Distance * Aim Key - Easy Selectable Aim Key * Visibility Checks - Aim only at a visible player * No Spread - Gets rid of bullet spread * No Shake - Stops your view from shaking * Bullet Drop - Calculates bullet drop to help you shoot long range targets * Aim Warnings - Warns if a player is visible or aiming at you * Auto Predict - Bot auto predicts for you * Predict Speed -Predicts speed by adjustable sliders. * Predict Ping - Predicts Ping by adjustable sliders. * Limit FOV - Limits the aimbots field of view. * Smooth Aim - Stops the aimbot from snapping to targets.
Radar * Enable - Enable Radar * Show Cross - Displays Cross on the radar * Show Dot - Displays yourself on the radar * Show Friends - Displays friendlies on the radar * Customisable Transparency * Fully mouse movable
Visuals * D3D Crosshair - Display a custom crosshair * View Distance - See the whole map, Adjustable by slider. * No Sky - Make the game not render the sky, turning it black. * No Fog - Disable fog blending * No Ground - Removes the roads
Misc * Parachute Hack - Fly across the map with your parachute * Vehicle SpeedHack - Make your vehicles even faster! even online! * Parachute Hack - Use your parachute to your advantage! * Show FPS - Show your Framerate * Show Time - Show the time * Quake Sounds - Kill sounds * Stats - Displays your stats * Winamp Player - Play your music ingame * Load/Save - Save your config file with your favourite settings and load them.